natasha latour natasha latour

Episode Intro: Why Co-operatives Matter

Co-operatives are defined by the ICA as “an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise (ICA, na). Using that definition to help define this project, we will dive into the impact of co-operatives based on five different questions. I’m looking to bring to light the characteristics and qualities that make a co-operative have impact. Likewise, a descriptive design method will allow for both qualitative and quantitative research methods to support my statement as it will help define the how, where, when and what aspect of the why co-operatives matter.

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Travel natasha latour Travel natasha latour

Episode 01: How do we leverage our potential?

Prompted by the question of how co-operatives can leverage our potential, this podcast will discuss how co-operatives and their impact in their communities. At the core of co-operatives is an economic system that is powered by people and a key tool for communities. NCBA CLUSA states, “With 65,000+ co-operative establishments in the country, there is incredible potential to work together to elevate the co-operative identity and demonstrate its value to members and communities (NCBA CLUSA, n.d.).”

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Health natasha latour Health natasha latour

Episode 02: Co-operative associations, are they the answer?

Cooperative associations

This podcast will highlight the needs that are met through associations. As Trott noted in his paper, one co-op can do great things, but the scale that an association can achieve is incredibly impactful and meets a need concerning advocacy and long-term co-operative development.

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Relationships natasha latour Relationships natasha latour

Episode 03: How do our cooperative values and principles create resilience and sustainable livelihoods in communities?

The recognition of co‐operatives as self‐help organizations with capacity to improve peoples’ livelihoods and wellbeing is global and widespread among institutions. The United Nations, in 1994, estimated that co‐operatives provide livelihood security for three billion people. This fact means that decisions made in cooperatives are balanced by the pursuit of profit, and the needs and interests of members and their communities.

In this podcast we will talk to Rochelle Prunty, General Manager of River Valley Co-op, about how our co-operative values and principles create resilience and sustainable livelihoods in communities.

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