Episode 04: How are co-operatives addressing racism?


In this podcast we will be talking to Jade Barker about cooperatives and their role in undoing racism.

Jade Barker is an award-winning board leader, Jade works nationally with boards of directors to improve their effectiveness and impact as a co-owner of Columinate, a co-operative devoted to the common good. A trained-mediator and coach, and former Co-director of the Mediation & Training Collaborative (now Collaborative Resolutions Group), for the past several years Jade has been designing and facilitating workshops for people who want to have more meaningful and productive conversations about race. Consistent with her life-long commitment to social change, she is also an instructor with the Sojourner

Truth School for Social Change Leadership. Jade’s master’s degree in Transformational Leadership and Coaching has convinced her that we are all leaders and we can all create change.


Episode 03: How do our cooperative values and principles create resilience and sustainable livelihoods in communities?


Episode Outro: Why Cooperatives Matter